Curriculum Contributions
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all curriculum contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support. The environment and resources that we enjoy today represent the contributions made by our parent/carer community over many years. Parent/Carers voluntary contributions make significant difference to the quality of our programs. This financial support ensures that we can continue to provide the excellent range of facilities and resources for your children.
Please see this one page document that outlines information regarding the Department of Education and Training Parent Payment Policy.
Please see here for more information about this policy.
Your support allowed us to:
- Provide high quality programs and specific subject materials and equipment for: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Music, Inquiry and PE;
- Maintain and develop the school grounds;
- Ensure the upkeep of our technological devices (e.g. iPads and laptops) to enhance learning opportunities;
- Maintain sufficient class sets of books for students to develop their reading skills;
- Provide hands on maths equipment i.e.: measuring materials for teaching purposes;
- Facilitate Literacy and Mathematics online digital subscriptions;
- Deliver a range of sporting equipment;
- Arrange for individual student supplies and class bulk supplies i.e: pencils, workbooks, erasers, sharpeners;
- Offer effective First Aid for all students.
Financial Help for Families
Schools have a commitment and responsibility to be responsive to parents who may be experiencing either short-term or long-term financial hardship. Bass Valley Primary School makes every effort to keep the voluntary contribution cost of school items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents.
Some families may experience financial difficulty, and as such the school offers a range of support options, including:
- The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
- Health Care Card Concession on Essential Student Learning Items (fee reduced by $35)
- State School Relief (Uniform Assistance)
Please see the downloads below for the latest information regarding school fees and costs.